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  • 青岛海尔的的股票价格是多少钱,青岛海尔股票代码



    青岛海尔的的股票价格是多少钱,青岛海尔股票代码 海尔智家股价600690青岛海尔股吧个股海尔股票青岛海尔个股600690青岛海尔股市行情青岛海尔股票技术分析青岛海尔个股长期性拥有青岛海尔个股如何


    青岛海尔股权有限责任公司(下称“青岛海尔”)自1989年4月28号创立至今,历经20很多年的稳步发展,一直是我国白家电业的大佬,其商品市场份额一直处在领先水平,尤其是其生产制造的全自动洗衣机、家用冰箱也是占有了中国销售市场的绝大多数市场份额。企业于1993年10月12向社会发展公开发行五千万股个股,变成中国最开始一批根据发售谋取发展趋势的公司之一,1993 年 11 月 19 日,青岛海尔股份有限公司在上海交易所发售,募资 3.69 亿人民币,个股通称:青岛海尔,股票号:600690。其个股每一股市场价从当初7.38元的发售价钱也一路升高到现在每一股13.28元,应对其每一股13.28元的市场价,其是不是具有进一步的投资价值变成每一位目前和潜在性投资人该思索的难题,文中尝试运用投资价值统计分析方法回应这个问题。



    Appliance industry as an industry with people's lives, and its development trend has been of concern. In particular, present, white goods home appliance industry has experienced over the past 20 years, excess capacity, prices had fallen, after the development of a fully competitive market gradually matured steadily to become the home appliance industry's most profitable sector, whose main listed stocks people naturally become a hot investment.

    Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Qingdao Haier") since 28 April 1989 inception, after 20 years of development and growth, has been the Chinese white goods industry giant, and its market share has been in a leading position, especially in is the production of washing machines, refrigerators is accounted for the lion's share of the domestic market. Company on October 12, 1993 issued to the public 5000 million shares, becoming the first group to seek development through the listing of enterprises, November 19, 1993, Qingdao Haier stock company listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange to raise funds 369 million yuan, the stock short: Qingdao Haier, stock code: 600690. Its market price per share of 7.38 yuan from the original issue price of 13.28 yuan per share way up to now, in the face of its market price of 13.28 yuan per share, whether they have a further investment value as every one of the existing and potential investors think about the problem, this paper attempts to take advantage of investment value analysis method to answer this question.

    This paper is divided into two parts, the first part of the theoretical analysis, the popular complaints about the investment value analysis method, especially for the dividend discount model was highlighted. The second part is the case study, the first of which Qingdao Haier macroeconomic environment for the analysis, the overall macroeconomic environment is favorable to their development. Then the white goods industry in which it was analyzed, mainly from the industry outlook, industry competition, supply and demand, customer analysis aspects were introduced. Finally, Qingdao Haier's own production and management strategies, financial strategies, product profitability model is analyzed, it has drawn strong market competitiveness and profitability through development potential. Then use the dividend discount model and the company's free cash flow model was evaluated for its stock value, and concluded: Qingdao Haier Company is currently overvalued stock price exists, the investment need to be cautious.

    Key words: Business Valuation; Free Cash Flow of Firm; DCF valuation; Qingdao Haier

    2.1 企业投资价值统计分析方法及公司估值基础理论简述 5

    2.3 随意现金流折现实体模型(DCF) 7

    2.3.3 股利分配折现实体模型(DDM)以及应用领域 8

    2.3.4 股份随意现金流实体模型(FCFE) 8

    2.3.5 企业随意现金流实体模型(FCFF) 9

    3.2 宏观经济政策自然环境与国家新政策对白色家电产业发展规划的危害 11

    6 青岛海尔自由现金流汇兑实体模型公司估值 21

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