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    原料价格销售市场起伏实际规格型号总数当日价格为标准蒙乃尔合金别称镍基合金,是一种以金属镍为基材 加上铜、铁、锰等其他原素而成的铝合金。蒙乃尔合金耐蚀性好,呈银色,合适作边丝原材料。主要用途蒙乃尔400铝合金的机构为高韧性的单相电固溶体,单相电马氏体机构 [2] ,它是一种使用量较大、主要用途最广、综合型能极好的耐腐蚀铝合金。此铝合金在盐酸和氟气物质中具备出色的耐腐蚀性,对热浓烧碱溶液也是有优质的耐腐蚀性。另外还耐中性溶液、水、海面、空气、有机物等的浸蚀。该铝合金的一个关键特点是一般不造成应力腐蚀裂痕,加工性优良。该铝合金关键用以阀座、泵轴和离心叶轮、运输器刮板、油气井钻环、延展性构件、阀垫等。耐腐蚀性能该铝合金在氟气、硫酸、盐酸、盐酸及其他们的派生物中有极出色的耐腐蚀性。酸物质:M400在浓度值低于85%的盐酸上都是耐腐蚀的。M400是能耐盐酸中位数非常少的关键原材料之一。水浸蚀:M400铝合金在大部分水浸蚀状况下,不但耐腐蚀性极好,并且孔蚀、应力腐蚀等也非常少发觉,浸蚀速率低于0025毫米/a高溫浸蚀:M400在空气中持续工作中的最高温度一般在600℃上下,在高溫蒸气中,浸蚀速率低于0026毫米/a。氨: 因为蒙乃尔400铝合金镍成分高,故能耐585℃下列没有水氨和氨解标准下的浸蚀。一般热处理回火态的蒙乃尔K500耐腐蚀性与蒙乃尔400铝合金基本一致,因而,相关蒙乃尔400的耐腐蚀性数据信息彻底能够 适用蒙乃尔K500铝合金。因为该铝合金在流动性海面中的低浸蚀速率和该铝合金的高韧性,因而,该铝合金非常适用生产制造耐海面浸蚀的离心水泵轴。商品运用中国核工业用以生产制造铀提炼出和放射性核素分离出来的机器设备,驱动力加工厂中的无缝拼接供水管道、管道,海面空调交换器和空调蒸发器,盐酸和硫酸自然环境,石油水蒸气蒸馏,在海面应用机器设备的泵轴和飞机螺旋桨,中国核工业用以生产制造铀提炼出和放射性核素分离出来的机器设备,生产制造生产制造硫酸机器设备应用的泵和阀蒙乃尔K500(K500、NCu30-2-1、 UNS N05500)铝合金除具备高韧性、抗腐蚀、无带磁等出色的物理性能外,还具备蒙乃尔400一样的耐腐蚀性。能做为泵轴原材料,适用较极端的高硫、高低温蜡烛层的地质学采掘标准下工作中。因为该铝合金沒有塑-脆变化溫度,因此十分适用各种各样超低温机器设备。此铝合金关键用以泵轴和阀座、运输器刮板、油气井钻环、延展性构件、阀垫等。适用原油、化工厂造船业、制药业、电子器件单位。蒙乃尔400铝合金(UNS N04400或MCu-28-15-18 或Ni68Cu28Fe) 是一种在海面、有机化学有机溶剂、氨硫氯、氯化氢、各种各样酸碱性物质如盐酸、盐酸、硫酸、硫酸铵、柠檬酸,偏碱物质、盐和熔化盐中具备优良耐蚀性能的镍基高温合金原材料。蒙乃尔400铝合金另外具备优良的物理性能,从超低温到高溫普遍的应用溫度,具备优良的电焊焊接特性中和、高韧性。蒙乃尔400关键运用于有机化学和石油化工设备及其深海开发设计等行业。能用来生产制造各种各样热力设备、加热炉给排水电加热器、原油和化工厂管道、器皿、塔、槽、闸阀、泵、反应罐、轴等。国家标准:ASTM B 1 (棒、线), ASTM B 5 (铸钢件),ASTM B 127(板、带), ASTM B 165 (无缝钢管)蒙乃尔 400 生产加工该铝合金能用生产加工传统式铁基原材料的生产加工方式开展机械加工制造。高速机加时赛应用水冷却液。该原材料在生产加工中收拢,应留意生产加工收拢容量确保规格精密度。 蒙乃尔400 电焊焊接蒙乃尔400电焊焊接特性优良,能够 选用TIG和MIG法,可以用蒙乃尔本身或EniCu-7焊条、焊丝;或是手工电弧焊和电弧焊;可与碳素钢和高合金钢电焊焊接。物理性能该铝合金沒有塑-脆变化溫度,因此十分适用生产制造各种各样超低温机器设备,电焊焊接可提升铝合金的抗压强度,但减少铝合金的塑性变形。因而,以便维持高塑性变形,蒙乃尔K500铝合金焊后需开展调质处理。商品运用此铝合金具备坚韧、耐腐蚀的综合型能,普遍用以有机化学等工业生产中。比如用以生产制造电加热器、热交换器、空调蒸发器、蒸馏釜、蒸馏塔、油酸解决用冷却器、解决松脂亭酸用机器设备、不锈钢离心泵等。因为铝合金在高溫下还具备高韧性和优良的抗氧化,因此还可用以调质处理工业生产,生产制造各种各样零部件。在核动力工业生产中,该铝合金具备优良的耐热髙压水的腐蚀能,因而也是用以轻水堆化工厂的关键构造原材料,商品有板、棒、丝、带、管件镍铜多少钱一斤:镍合金铜可耐多大溫度

    原材料详细介绍高溫下镍与铜能够 一切占比相溶而在制冷全过程中产生固溶体。以镍为基并带有一定量铜的镍合金铜是镍基耐腐蚀铝合金中使用量大、主要用途广的一类。尽管目前的镍合金铜型号许多,但其含含铜量一般均处在10~30%范畴内。为耐腐蚀铝合金应用时,大摩投资含铜量~28%的镍合金铜运用则更为普遍。 危害向镍中添加铜,会对镍的各种各样特性,非常是耐腐蚀性能、物理性能和工艺性能造成一系列危害。一般铜的添加提升镍在氧化性物质中的耐腐蚀性,而减少镍在还原性物质中的耐腐蚀性,及其在空气中的抗氧化;铜的添加使镍的抗压强度提升、强度提升,塑性变形稍有减少;铜的添加使镍的传热系数提升。 种类常见镍合金铜型号规格关键有NCu282515、NCu40-2-1、NCu30-4-2-1。关键种类有管、棒、极、带、铸棒等。特性镍合金铜多用以制做对耐腐蚀性能、高溫缓解疲劳等规定较高的高溫自然环境工作的零部件,大摩投资如行波管、磁控管等。NCu28 -2 5-15型铝合金在室内温度的干躁汽体中很平稳,但在带有水份的氧化氮、氨、硫酸盐和氯、溴、碘等卤素灯泡中却浸蚀得很厉害。在中性化、偏碱和酸性硫化物、盐酸盐、硫氰酸钾、磷酸盐、醋酸盐的水溶液中,NCu28-2 5-15铝合金是耐腐蚀的;但当所述物质带有铁、铜、锡和汞的氯盐时,则浸蚀速率加速。反过来,带有铬酸盐和果糖的时候缓减。镍合金铜由60%镍、33%铜、65%铁三种金属材料构成的合金制品。 镍合金铜有不错的室内温度物理性能和高溫抗压强度,耐腐蚀性高耐磨性能好,非常容易生产加工,无带磁,是生产制造行波管和别的整流管不错的构造原材料。还可做为飞机发动机的构造原材料镍铜多少钱一斤:有没有人收镍铜?(百分之五十多的铜,百分之二十多的镍)?


    原材料详细介绍高溫下镍与铜能够 一切占比相溶而在制冷全过程中产生固溶体。以镍为基并带有一定量铜的镍合金铜是镍基耐腐蚀铝合金中使用量大、主要用途广的一类。尽管目前的镍合金铜型号许多,但其含含铜量一般均处在10~30%范畴内。为耐腐蚀铝合金应用时,含铜量~28%的镍合金铜运用则更为普遍。 危害向镍中添加铜,会对镍的各种各样特性,非常是耐腐蚀性能、物理性能和工艺性能造成一系列危害。一般铜的添加提升镍在氧化性物质中的耐腐蚀性,而减少镍在还原性物质中的耐腐蚀性,及其在空气中的抗氧化;铜的添加使镍的抗压强度提升、强度提升,塑性变形稍有减少;铜的添加使镍的传热系数提升。 种类常见镍合金铜型号规格关键有NCu282515、NCu40-2-1、NCu30-4-2-1。关键种类有管、棒、极、带、铸棒等。特性镍合金铜多用以制做对耐腐蚀性能、高溫缓解疲劳等规定较高的高溫自然环境工作的零部件,如行波管、磁控管等。NCu28 -2 5-15型铝合金在室内温度的干躁汽体中很平稳,但在带有水份的氧化氮、氨、硫酸盐和氯、溴、碘等卤素灯泡中却浸蚀得很厉害。在中性化、偏碱和酸性硫化物、盐酸盐、硫氰酸钾、磷酸盐、醋酸盐的水溶液中,NCu28-2 5-15铝合金是耐腐蚀的;但当所述物质带有铁、铜、锡和汞的氯盐时,则浸蚀速率加速。反过来,带有铬酸盐和果糖的时候缓减。镍合金铜由60%镍、33%铜、65%铁三种金属材料构成的合金制品。 镍合金铜有不错的室内温度物理性能和高溫抗压强度,耐腐蚀性高耐磨性能好,非常容易生产加工,无带磁,是生产制造行波管和别的整流管不错的构造原材料。还可做为飞机发动机的构造原材料镍铜多少钱一斤:国家行业标准铜电镀工艺镍和铬的薄厚多少钱?



    原材料详细介绍高溫下镍与铜能够 一切占比相溶而在制冷全过程中产生固溶体。以镍为基并带有一定量铜的镍合金铜是镍基耐腐蚀铝合金中使用量大、主要用途广的一类。尽管目前的镍合金铜型号许多,但其含含铜量一般均处在10~30%范畴内。为耐腐蚀铝合金应用时,含铜量~28%的镍合金铜运用则更为普遍。 危害向镍中添加铜,会对镍的各种各样特性,非常是耐腐蚀性能、物理性能和工艺性能造成一系列危害。期货配资一般铜的添加提升镍在氧化性物质中的耐腐蚀性,而减少镍在还原性物质中的耐腐蚀性,及其在空气中的抗氧化;铜的添加使镍的抗压强度提升、强度提升,塑性变形稍有减少;铜的添加使镍的传热系数提升。 种类常见镍合金铜型号规格关键有NCu282515、NCu40-2-1、NCu30-4-2-1。关键种类有管、棒、极、带、铸棒等。特性镍合金铜多用以制做对耐腐蚀性能、高溫缓解疲劳等规定较高的高溫自然环境工作的零部件,如行波管、磁控管等。NCu28 -2 5-15型铝合金在室内温度的干躁汽体中很平稳,但在带有水份的氧化氮、氨、硫酸盐和氯、溴、碘等卤素灯泡中却浸蚀得很厉害。在中性化、偏碱和酸性硫化物、盐酸盐、硫氰酸钾、磷酸盐、醋酸盐的水溶液中,NCu28-2 5-15铝合金是耐腐蚀的;但当所述物质带有铁、铜、锡和汞的氯盐时,则浸蚀速率加速。反过来,带有铬酸盐和果糖的时候缓减。镍合金铜由60%镍、33%铜、65%铁三种金属材料构成的合金制品。 镍合金铜有不错的室内温度物理性能和高溫抗压强度,耐腐蚀性高耐磨性能好,非常容易生产加工,无带磁,是生产制造行波管和别的整流管不错的构造原材料。还可做为飞机发动机的构造原材料镍铜多少钱一斤:镍合金铜都有什么特性特性?

    原材料详细介绍高溫下镍与铜能够 一切占比相溶而在制冷全过程中产生固溶体。以镍为基并带有一定量铜的镍合金铜是镍基耐腐蚀铝合金中使用量大、主要用途广的一类。尽管目前的镍合金铜型号许多,但其含含铜量一般均处在10~30%范畴内。为耐腐蚀铝合金应用时,含铜量~28%的镍合金铜运用则更为普遍。 危害向镍中添加铜,会对镍的各种各样特性,非常是耐腐蚀性能、物理性能和工艺性能造成一系列危害。一般铜的添加提升镍在氧化性物质中的耐腐蚀性,而减少镍在还原性物质中的耐腐蚀性,及其在空气中的抗氧化;铜的添加使镍的抗压强度提升、强度提升,大摩投资塑性变形稍有减少;铜的添加使镍的传热系数提升。 种类常见镍合金铜型号规格关键有NCu282515、NCu40-2-1、NCu30-4-2-1。关键种类有管、棒、极、带、铸棒等。特性镍合金铜多用以制做对耐腐蚀性能、高溫缓解疲劳等规定较高的高溫自然环境工作的零部件,如行波管、磁控管等。NCu28 -2 5-15型铝合金在室内温度的干躁汽体中很平稳,但在带有水份的氧化氮、氨、硫酸盐和氯、溴、碘等卤素灯泡中却浸蚀得很厉害。在中性化、偏碱和酸性硫化物、盐酸盐、硫氰酸钾、磷酸盐、醋酸盐的水溶液中,NCu28-2 5-15铝合金是耐腐蚀的;但当所述物质带有铁、铜、锡和汞的氯盐时,则浸蚀速率加速。反过来,带有铬酸盐和果糖的时候缓减。镍合金铜由60%镍、33%铜、65%铁三种金属材料构成的合金制品。 镍合金铜有不错的室内温度物理性能和高溫抗压强度,耐腐蚀性高耐磨性能好,非常容易生产加工,无带磁,是生产制造行波管和别的整流管不错的构造原材料。还可做为飞机发动机的构造原材料镍铜多少钱一斤:铜镍合金和镍合金铜有差别吗

    一样的称呼不一样原材料详细介绍高溫下镍与铜能够 一切占比相溶而在制冷全过程中产生固溶体。以镍为基并带有一定量铜的镍合金铜是镍基耐腐蚀铝合金中使用量大、主要用途广的一类。尽管目前的镍合金铜型号许多,但其含含铜量一般均处在10~30%范畴内。为耐腐蚀铝合金应用时,含铜量~28%的镍合金铜运用则更为普遍。 危害向镍中添加铜,会对镍的各种各样特性,非常是耐腐蚀性能、物理性能和工艺性能造成一系列危害。一般铜的添加提升镍在氧化性物质中的耐腐蚀性,而减少镍在还原性物质中的耐腐蚀性,及其在空气中的抗氧化;铜的添加使镍的抗压强度提升、强度提升,塑性变形稍有减少;铜的添加使镍的传热系数提升。 种类常见镍合金铜型号规格关键有NCu282515、NCu40-2-1、NCu30-4-2-1。关键种类有管、棒、极、带、铸棒等。特性镍合金铜多用以制做对耐腐蚀性能、高溫缓解疲劳等规定较高的高溫自然环境工作的零部件,如行波管、磁控管等。NCu28 -2 5-15型铝合金在室内温度的干躁汽体中很平稳,但在带有水份的氧化氮、氨、硫酸盐和氯、溴、碘等卤素灯泡中却浸蚀得很厉害。在中性化、偏碱和酸性硫化物、盐酸盐、硫氰酸钾、磷酸盐、醋酸盐的水溶液中,NCu28-2 5-15铝合金是耐腐蚀的;但当所述物质带有铁、铜、锡和汞的氯盐时,则浸蚀速率加速。反过来,带有铬酸盐和果糖的时候缓减。镍合金铜由60%镍、33%铜、65%铁三种金属材料构成的合金制品。 镍合金铜有不错的室内温度物理性能和高溫抗压强度,耐腐蚀性高耐磨性能好,非常容易生产加工,无带磁,是生产制造行波管和别的整流管不错的构造原材料。还可做为飞机发动机的构造原材料镍铜多少钱一斤:铜镍合金的特性及主要用途


    铜镍合金,带有铜Cu 跟镍Ni,有金属质感,别名白铜。铜镍中间相互可無限热处理回火,进而产生持续固溶体,即无论相互的占比是多少,而恒为α–单相电铝合金。当把镍熔入红铜里D200,成分超出16%之上时,造成的铝合金颜色就越来越相对性近白如银,镍成分越高,色调越白,可是,终究与铜结合,要是镍成分占比不超过70%,人眼都是见到铜的淡。一般白铜中镍的成分一般为25%。镍铜多少钱一斤:废弃不锈钢板如何辨别含镍的成分成分,含镍的成分是多少决策着价钱的差别,如何辨别?请您鼎力相助,特别感谢?


    危害现货交易镍市场价格的关键要素 1、供求 2、美元指数

      =”data:ige/svg xml;utf8,” alt="「镍铜多少钱一斤」蒙乃尔铜镍合金要多少钱一公" >









    在耐热合金的产品研发与运用中,镍能够 明显提升原材料的高溫可靠性。高溫电加热装置的热丝,一般选用镍铬或是钨基合金,外壳则多选用镍基高温合金。

    镍基瓷器,耐磨性能好,能够 应用,或做为复合结构原材料的耐磨损层应用。



    Monel is a group of nickel alloys, pririly posed of nickel (up to 67%) and copper, with all amounts of iron, nganese, carbon, and silicon Stronger than pure nickel, Monel alloys are resistant to corrosion by ny agents, including rapidly flowing seawater They can be fabricated readily by hot- and cold-working, chining, and welding

    Monel was created by Robert Crooks Stanley, who worked for the International Nickel Company (INCO) in 1901 Monel alloy 400 is a binary alloy of the same proportions of nickel and copper as is found naturally in the nickel ore from the Sudbury (Ontario) mines and is therefore considered a puritan alloy Monel was named after pany president Ambrose Monell, and patented in 1906 One L was dropped, because family names were not allowed as traderks at that time The name is now a traderk of Special Metals Corporation

    It is an expensive alloy, hence its use is limited to those applications where it cannot be replaced with cheaper alternatives Compared to carbon steel, piping in Monel is more than 3 times as expensive

    Monel is a solid-solution binary alloy As nickel and copper are mutually soluble in all proportions, it is a single-phase alloy Compared to steel, Monel is very difficult to chine as it work-hardens very quickly It needs to be turned and worked at slow speeds and low feed rates It is resistant to corrosion and acids, and some alloys can withstand a fire in pure oxygen It is monly used in applications with highly corrosive conditions Sll additions of aluminium and titanium form an alloy (K-500) with the same corrosion resistance but with much greater strength due to gam prime fortion on aging Monel is typically much more expensive than stainless steel

    Monel alloy 400 has a specific gravity of 880, a melting range of 1300–1350 °C, an electrical conductivity of approxitely 34% IACS, and (in the annealed state) a hardness of 65 Rockwell B Monel alloy 400 is notable for its toughness, which is intained over a considerable range of temperatures

    Monel alloy 400 has excellent mechanical properties at subzero temperatures

    Strength and hardness increase with only slight impairment of ductility or impact resistance The alloy does not undergo a ductile-to-brittle transition even when cooled to the temperature of liquid hydrogen This is in rked contrast to ny ferrous terials which are brittle at low temperatures despite their increased strength

    Aerospace applications

    In the 1960s, Monel metal found bulk uses in aircraft construction, especially in king the frames and skins of experimental rocket planes, such as the North American X-15, to resist the great heat generated by aerodynamic friction during extremely high speed flight Monel metal retains its strength at very high temperatures, allowing it to intain its shape at high atmospheric flight speeds, a trade off against the increased weight of the parts due to Monels high density

    Monel is used for safety wiring in aircraft intenance to ensure that fasteners cannot e undone, usually in high-temperature areas; stainless wire is used in other areas for economy

    Oil production and refining

    Monel is used in the section of Alkylation units in direct contact with concentrated hydrofluoric acid Monel offers exceptional resistance to hydrofluoric acid in all concentrations up to the boiling point It is perhaps the most resistant of all monly used engineering alloys The alloy is also resistant to ny forms of sulfuric and hydrochloric acids under reducing conditions

    Marine applications

    Monels corrosion resistance kes it ideal in applications such as piping systems, pump shafts, seawater valves, trolling wire, and strainer baskets Some alloys are pletely non-gnetic and are used for anchor cable aboard minesweepers, housings for gnetic-field measurement equipment In recreational boating, Monel wire is used to seize shackles for anchor ropes, Monel is used for water and fuel tanks, and for underwater applications It is also used for propeller shafts and for keel bolts On the popular Hobiecat sailboats, Monel rivets are used where strength is needed but stainless steel cannot be used due to corrosion problems that would result from having stainless steel in contact with the aluminum st, boom, and frame of the boat, in a saltwater environment

    However, because of the problem of electrolytic action in salt water (also known as Galvanic corrosion), in shipbuilding Monel must be carefully insulated from other metals such as steel The New York Times on August 12, 1915 published an article about a 215-foot yacht, “the first ship that has ever been built with an entirely Monel hull,” that “went to pieces” in just six weeks and had to be scrapped, “on account of the disintegration of her bottom by electrical action” The yachts steel skeleton deteriorated due to electrolytic interaction with the Monel

    In seabird research, and bird banding or ringing in particular, Monel has been used to ke bird bands or rings for ny species such as albatross that live in a corrosive sea water environment

    Musical instruments

    Monel is used as the terial for valve pistons or rotors in some higher quality musical instruments such as trumpets, tubas and怎么和客户经理谈佣金 Frenc「配资」h horns RotoSound introduced the use of Monel for electric bass strings in 1962, and these strings have been used by numerous artists, including Steve Harris of Iron Maiden, The Who, Sting, John Deacon, John Paul Jones and the late Chris Squire Monel was in use in the early 1930s by other musical string nufacturers, such as Gibson Guitar Corporation, who continue to offer them for ndolin as the Sam Bush signature set Also, CF Martin & Co uses Monel for their Martin Retro acoustic guitar strings The Pyramid string factory produces Monel classics electric guitar strings, wound on a round core In 2017, DAddario string pany released a line of violin strings using a Monel winding on the D and G string



    resistance against corrosion by acids and oxygen kes Monel a good terial for the chemical industry Even corrosive fluorides can be handled within Monel apparatus; this was done in an extensive way in the enrichment of uranium in the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant Here most of the larger diameter tubing for the uranium hexafluoride was de from Monel Regulators for reactive cylinder gases like hydrogen chloride form another example, where PTFE is not a suitable option when high delivery pressures are required These will sometimes include a Monel nifold and taps prior to the regulator that allow the regulator to be flushed with a dry, inert gas after use to further protect the equipment

    In the early 20th century, when steam power was widely used, Monel was advertised as being desirable for use in superheated steam systems During the world wars, Monel was used for US military dog tags

    Monel is often used for kitchen sinks and in the frames of eyeglasses It has also been used for firebox stays in fire-tube boilers

    Parts of the Clock of the Long Now, which is intended to run for 10,000 years, are de from Monel because of the corrosion resistance without the use of precious metals

    Monel was used for much of the exposed metal used in the interior of the Bryn Athyn Cathedral in Pennsylvania, religious seat of the General Church of the New Jerusalem This included large decorative screens, doorknobs, etc Monel also has been used as roofing terial in buildings such as the original Pennsylvania Station in New York City

    The 1991–1996 Acura (Honda) NSX came with a key de of Monel

    Oilfield applications include using Monel (rarely – see directional drilling above) in both flex and slick collars Instruments (gnetometers or pass) which measure the Earths gnetic field to obtain a gnetic direction are placed in the non-gnetic collar which isolates sensors from the gnetic pull of drilling tools located above and below the non-gnetic collars They are often referred to as “Monel collars” as that was the first terial used to ke the collars and the name stuck

    Monel is also used as a protective binding terial on the outside of western style stirrups

    Monel is used by Arrow Fastener Co, Inc for rustproof T50 staples

    Monel has also been used in Kelvinator refrigerators

    Monel was used in the Baby Alice Thumb Guard, a 1930s-era anti-thumb-sucking device

    Monel is used in motion picture film processing Monel staple splices are ideal for resisting corrosion from use in continuous-run photochemical tanks

    Monel 400

    Monel 400 shows high strength and excellent corrosion resistance in a range of acidic and alkaline environments and its especially suitable for reducing conditions It also has good ductility and therl conductivity Monel 400 typically finds application in rine engineering, chemical and hydro-carbon processings, heat exchangers, valves and pumps It is covered by the following standards: BS 3075, 3076 NA 13, DTD 204B and ASTM B1

    Large use of Monel 400 is de in the alkylation units, namely in the reacting section in contact with concentrated hydrofluoric acid

      Monel 401

    This alloy is designed for use in specialized electric and electronic applications Alloy 401 is readily autogenously welded by the gas-tungsten-arc process Resistance welding is a very satisfactory method for joining the terial It also exhibits good brazing characteristics It is covered by standard UNS N04401

    Monel 404

    Monel 404 alloy is used pririly in specialized electrical and electronic applications The position of Monel 404 is carefully adjusted to provide a very low Curie temperature, low permeability, and good brazing characteristics

    Monel 404 can be welded using mon welding techniques and forged but cannot be hot worked Cold working y be done using standard tooling an

    d soft terials for better finish It is covered by standards UNS N04404 and ASTM F96 This alloy is used in the following applications: capsules for transistors and ceramic to metal sealings

    Monel 450

    This alloy exhibits good fatigue strength and has relatively high therl conductivity It is used for seawater condensers, condenser plates, distiller tubes, evaporator and heat exchanger tubes, and saltwater piping

    Monel K-500

    Monel K-500 bines the excellent corrosion resistance characteristic of Monel alloy 400 with the added advantages of greater strength and hardness The increased properties are obtained by adding aluminum and titanium to the nickel-copper base, and by heating under controlled conditions so that submicroscopic particles of Ni3 (Ti, Al) are precipitated throughout the trix

    The corrosion resistance of Monel alloy K-500 is substantially equivalent to that of alloy 400 except that, when in the age-hardened condition, alloy K-500 has a greater tendency toward stress-corrosion cracking in some environments Monel alloy K-500 has been found to be resistant to a sour-gas environment The bination of very low corrosion rates in high-velocity sea water and high strength ke alloy K-500 particularly suitable for shafts of centrifugal pumps in rine service In stagnant or slow-moving sea water, fouling y occur followed by pitting, but this pitting slows down after a fairly rapid initial attack

    Typical applications for alloy K-500 are: pump shafts and impellers, doctor blades and scrapers, oil-well drill collars and instruments and electronic ponents

    Monel R-405

    Monel R-405 is the free chining version of Monel 400 It is a nickel-copper alloy with a controlled amount of sulfur added to provide sulfide inclusions that act as chip breakers during chining Like Monel 400, alloy R-405 is resistant to sea water and steam at high temperatures as well as to salt and caustic solutions Monel R-405 is a solid solution alloy that can only be hardened by cold working This nickel alloy exhibits characteristics like good corrosion-resistance, good weldability and high strength A low corrosion rate in rapidly flowing brackish or seawater bined with excellent resistance to stress corrosion cracking in most freshwaters bined to its resistance to a variety of corrosive conditions justifies its wide use in rine applications and other non-oxidizing chloride solutions This nickel-copper alloy is particularly resistant to hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids when they are de-aerated As would be expected from its high copper content, alloy R-405 is rapidly attacked by nitric acid and ammonia systems

    Alloy R-405 is chiefly used for autotic-screw-chine stock and is not generally remended for other applications

    Monel 502

    Monel 502 is a nickel-copper alloy and its UNS no is N05502 This grade also have good creep and oxidation resistance Monel 502 can be formed in different shapes Monel 502 can be chined similar to austenitic stainless steels

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