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    期货交易电子书txt:怎样从产品商品期货中盈利 txt


    怎样在买卖中挣钱很多人踏入买卖全是懵懂无知的,那麼怎样在买卖里边避开损害,扩张盈利呢,这里简易谈一下本人的感受: 实际能够私聊哦,或是进西祠胡同–休闲娱乐直播间版块里边有一样文章内容,能够联络。一:在开启股票盘面之后第一件事儿便是回望一下自身上一次的量化交易策略,比照一下行情走势。仅有持续的小结才可以有发展二:乘势而上:什么叫势,怎么判断,又如何去切合? 势便是发展趋势,发展趋势有三种:涨、跌、波动。分辨发展趋势有一个必要条件是要在一个相对性的时间周期里边,要不然无法去剖析市场行情了。对于为何那么说,举一个简易的事例,十分钟线看涨、钟头线是上涨市场行情,四钟头是下跌,这类状况针对初学者而言,该怎么办?只有蒙了。因此要明确一个相对性的时间周期,随后用相对的技术性具体这一时间周期内的发展趋势,从而才可以开展乘势而上的实际操作。st欧浦发展趋势怎么判断,非常简单便是画移动平均线,股票配资对于怎么画画,讲起來非常复杂,能够留言板留言私信明确发展趋势涨你也就内心搞清楚要开多,跌你也就搞清楚要看空,波动就你搞清楚选准波动区段往返做。明确方位以后就剩余提前准备入场和定位点的挑选了本人的买卖习惯性是看四钟头明确这一时间范围的发展趋势,随后看钟头线提前准备入场,看十分钟线明确定位点。实际怎么做?简易,好多个时间周期的发展趋势同样的情况下是你入场的情况下。三:买卖的好多个标准和心理状态要留意买卖事实上跟日常生活工作中一样的,原则问题的物品就不可以过道德底线。入场一定要带股票止损持续三单亏本,终止买卖,歇息几日入场以后,就等销售市场给結果,无需在惦记着市场行情的跌涨了到赢利点或是止损线了就走,避讳贪欲害怕放正你的心理状态 最好是祝福众多投资者在贸易市场大杀四方。期货交易电子书txt:期货交易手册免费电子书txt完整版下载

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    自打人们摆脱了自力更生的生活习惯之后,买卖就变成大家日常生活的一个构成部分。刚开始是物物交换,之后转变成产品与贷币的买卖,一直发展趋势到现如今的最大层级——商品期货。自然,你将会从来没有以股指期货合约的方法交易过黄豆或是别的日常生活必须的产品,但毫无疑问以前掏钱买过你要想和必须的物品;即使你从来没有花过钱买了珍贵的物品,例如轿车、房屋、老古董这些,那么你也一定经历用自身的精力或是头脑打工来种活自身的亲身经历,所以说,你类似早已是一个半投资者了,仅仅存有现货交易和期货交易的差别罢了,你自己沒有发觉而已。实际上商品期货和现货市场在实质上是没什么差别的,仅仅方式和方式 不一样,因此,你要坚信自己,你能变成一名取得成功的期货交易的投资人。
    想一想“降低你的损害”这一标准它可能是唯一最重要的买卖名言。哪一个投机商真不知道这一提议?殊不知,忽视这……期货交易电子书txt:哪有 怎样从产品商品期货中盈利 这本书的TXT文档下载,(现有PDF的,手机打不开,书也是有,协带麻烦)


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    《克罗谈期货交易策略》Kroll on Futures Trading Strategy (Stanley Kroll, 1988)是本好书推荐,有需求的话留个电子邮箱我发过来下目前股票市场分析列是书的因子和序:FOREWORD因子In John Train’s excellent book, The Money Masters, he writes about the careers and professional methods of nine great investors Among them are several stars whose names are well known to all of us – Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham, T Rowe Price, Larry Tisch, and John Templeton There, among this “Murde「配资」rers’ Row” of investors, you will also find the name of Stanley Kroll Train describes the modities business, where Stanley de his money, as an “impossible casino” If this is so, Kroll has had some good runs at the gaming table, and they clearly are no accident or mere luck在《大亨》这部优秀作品中,创作者罗伯特•崔恩叙述了9位投资的生平简介和专业能力。在其中几个大牌明星——沃伦•股神巴菲特,本杰明•格雷厄姆,T•洛威•普莱斯,拉里•狄许和罗伯特•坦普顿,她们全是大家了解的高手 。在这种称得上“谋杀者队伍”的投资人中,你也可以寻找斯坦利•阿佩尔的名字。崔恩叙述了斯坦利在“不太可能赌厅”中挣钱的商品期货。果真如此,阿佩尔在赌桌子确实表演了几次精彩纷呈大戏,这并非出现意外或实属运势。In the 1970s, Stanley had a three-year run during which he built $18,000 of his own money into $1 million And he performed with equally spectacular skill for his partners It’s best to leave the other tales of Stanley’s exploits to readers of Train’s book Suffice it to say that they are impressive displays of guts and brains七十年代,斯坦利有一场为时三年的表演,他将自身的18000元升值到一百万元,他为他的合作伙伴也赚来到同样的酬劳。斯坦利其他的精彩表演,阅读者能够从崔恩的经典著作一窥究竟。无需多讲,这种主要表现搞清楚地展示出他的胆略和聪慧。I am not a “modities n” myself I try to stick to the paths that I understand better, pririly equities and debt instruments For me, reading Kroll on Futures Trading Strategy was an education The thing that most impresses me about the book is that virtually all the jor tenets of Kroll’s advice are rooted in a constant regard for discipline and mon sense In short, the best parts of his advice share the underpinnings of any good investment strategy – watch the rkets carefully, do copious research, and keep a level head

    As Stanley points out, hapless traders act “on the basis of emotion instead of discipline, sentiment instead of logic, and subjectivity instead of objectivity”我并不是“期货交易人”。我尝试恪守在自身较为掌握的金融衍生工具,主要是股票和债卷。因为你,阅读文章《克罗谈期货交易策略》是一种学习培训。令我印像最刻骨铭心的是,阿佩尔提议中最重要的标准基本上彻底深植于对组织纪律性和基本常识的关心。st欧浦简单点来说,他最好的提议表露出一切优良投资建议的基本——认真观查销售市场,深入,维持客观性。斯坦利强调,悲剧的投资者“依据心态并非组织纪律性,根据觉得并非逻辑性,以主观性并非客观性做事。”Stanley’s trading philosophy draws most of its important principles from a central core that is key to almost all investing – identify the jor ongoing trend of each rket and trade in the direction of the dominant trend Most really savvy investors know that this is as much a key of king money in equities as it is in modities One of the reasons that Stanley is highly regarded and has done so well is that his feet are grounded in concrete and not in clay斯坦利的买卖社会学从一个核心内容导出来多个关键标准,这一核心内容基本上是全部项目投资个人行为的重要——鉴别出销售市场的重特大发展趋势,而且趁机买卖。大部分聪慧的投资人都搞清楚这一核心内容,在商品期货和股票销售市场盈利的关键是一样的。斯坦利主要表现优良且受高度重视的缘故之一,就是他踏踏实实并非浮沙建塔。When you meet Stanley, as I have ny times, you are immediately impressed by how little this expert on modities claims to know This is one of the greatest strengths of most real experts They don’t get overly confident or pretend omniscience Better to constantly assume that you don’t know enough and constantly investigate your assumptions and numbers; hence, another important Kroll tenet-play in the real world As he puts it, “the need for a disciplined and objective approach to futures trading is a recurring theme in this book” Realistically, it is the theme of the book假如你看到斯坦利,会与我看到他一样,他觉得交易期货不用掌握过多的物品,你能对这一见解印象深刻。这也更是大部分真实权威专家最突显的优势之一。她们不容易过度自信或装作全都了解。最好认可自身专业知识不够,而持续科学研究自身的假定和数据。斯坦利另一个关键标准是——做真正的买卖。如同他常说,“期货交易必须的组织纪律性和客观性方式 是这书一再反复的主题风格。”实际上,这就是这书的主题风格。Reading Kroll on Futures Trading Strategy can do a little something for all investors It will not ke you into an avid modities trader overnight, but there is solid advice for each of us For the novice, it brings a sense, stated in plain English, of how these rkets operate and what investing “systems” can work well For the expert, the book contains plenty of details for resharpening already good steel For the investor in general, Stanley offers a sense of what kes good investors really good – consistent hard effort on research and the discipline to put it to work participating in significant rket trends Everyone with money in any rket can benefit from a healthy dose of Stanley’s advice阅读文章《克罗谈期货交易策略》一书,能使全部投资人有一定的获得。它不容易给你一夜之间变成新鲜的商品期货者,但这书为大家出示了靠谱的提议。对初学者来讲,书里用平铺直叙的文本对你说销售市场是怎样运行的,及其哪样项目投资“系统软件”能产生盈利。对权威专家来讲,这书的许多关键点能给你雪中送炭。针对一般投资人来讲,斯坦利明确提出出色投资人取得成功的案件线索——持续勤奋科学研究,而且付诸实践,而有组织纪律性的方法趁机买卖。一切投资人都能够从斯坦利的有效提议中获益。Douglas A McIntyrePresident & PublisherFINANCIAL WORLDNew York CityMay 27, 1987道格拉斯•A•麦金太尔首席战略官外国投资者《金融世界》期刊纽约80年代5月27日PREFACE创作者前言The fund nager from Seattle, visibly agitated, had been giving me a hard time It was a bleak mid-November afternoon in 1985, and he had e to Port Washington to talk to me about his futures trading As we sat in the paneled salon of my boat-cum-office-cum-residence, he painfully described how he had been whipsawed in soybeans over the past year in a succession of losing trades – despite what appeared to have been a reasonably (down) trending rket Trouble was, he had allowed himself to be influenced by news, TV reports, and trade gossip Although he had gotten onto the right (short) side of the rket at times, he invariably panicked (he called it “defensive posturing”) and closed out his good positions at nearly every countertrend rally that came along He somehow “naged” to hang onto his losing trades during this period, which considerably worsened his already dial perfornce His state of mind during our meeting tched his gloomy track record圣地亚哥到访的股票基金职业经理人,显而易见心态躁动不安,帮我产生了挑戰。那就是1985年10月中下旬一个严寒的中午,他赶到美国华盛顿港,与我探讨他的商品期货。那时候大家坐着既是住所也是办公室的船仓中,他痛楚地叙述着,以往两年他一直在大豆销售市场遭遇震仓,导致一连串损害的亲身经历——他居然看不出那就是个很有效的下挫发展趋势。他的难题是,他让自身遭受新闻报道、电视机报道和传闻的危害。尽管有时他会抓对市场前景(下挫),却自始至终受到惊吓(他称作“防御”),一直在以后的市场行情反跳时强制平仓了。不知道为什么,他又会抱牢亏损的持仓,促使本来主要表现较差的考试成绩始料不及。他与我交谈时需显露的心理状态,和

    他很差的买卖记录符合。Having gotten his grim confession off his chest, he asked, rather testily, what my trading system had done in beans over the period “It’s been short since June 11,” was my response “June 11? What’s so great about that,” he naged to grumble, mentally calculating the time interval as being just five months “June 11 of 1984,” I replied A long silence ensued We both knew that, having being continuously short of soybeans for the past 17 months, the profit in the position exceeded $10,000 per contract在一吐心里愤闷后,他厌烦地询问道,我的交易软件这段时间在大豆销售市场的主要表现怎样?我回应,“从12月3日刚开始,交易软件一直标示看空,”。“12月3日?那有哪些伟大,”他自言自语着,内心想这只不过5个月的時间。我回应说,“1984年12月3日,”然后就是一段缄默。大家两个人都搞清楚,假如以往17月不断看空大豆,每一份合同的盈利会超出元。Regrettably, this sort of conversation has been repeated countless times over the past 30 years, leading me to the inescapable conclusion that each trader’s worst enemy is neither the rket nor the other players It is he, himself…aided and abetted by his misguided hopes and fears, his lack of discipline to trade with the trend and to allow profits to run while limiting losses on bad positions, his boredom and inertia, his apparent need for “action,” and his lack of confidence in his own (frequently correct) ysis and trading decisions缺憾的是,以往三十年来,这类交谈一直反复持续,我得得出结论说,一切一位投资者较大 的对手决不是销售市场或别的游戏玩家,只是他自己。她们的缺陷主要表现在:遭受空想的鼓动,遭受害怕的唆使,沒有趁机买卖,不容易“拦住损害,让盈利飞奔”,觉得无趣,不良习惯,买卖,对自身(常常是恰当的)剖析和买卖管理决策欠缺自信心。Someone once said that the surest way to ke a all fortune in futures trading is to start with a large fortune Unfortunately, there is considerable truth in that bit of cynical logic Clearly, the losers outnumber the winners by a substantial rgin So what is it that continues to attract an increasing number of investors to this game? For me, it is the knowledge-confirmed by nearly 30 years of personal experience – that the futures rket is clearly the best way for an investor to have the opportunity to parlay a modest initial stake into a substantial fortune For a trade firm or financial institution the futures rkets present a means of laying off (hedging) financial risks and, in fact, having the potential to ke a profit on dealings that would otherwise be a sure loss Countless family fortunes and international mercantile empires had their humble beginnings in canny and profitable modity dealings有些人以前说,要想在商品期货上挣到一笔財富,最明确的方式 是先要有着一大笔財富。悲剧的事是,这类消极悲观式的逻辑性却暗含着广泛的真知。很显著,失败者比大赢家多很多。既然这样,为何这个游戏依然能吸引住一批又一批投资人?依据我近三十年来的工作经验,我觉得商品期货显而易见对投资人来讲,引诱便是一开始就会有机遇以一小笔赌本赢到极大財富。对贸易和金融企业来讲,商品期货则出示了一种对冲交易经营风险的方式 ,并且还可以在买卖中盈利,反过来,也会亏本。成千上万大家族的財富及其国际性商业服务帝国全是以聪明且盈利十足的商品期货发家的。But surely it takes far more than desire and wishful thinking for the operator to break into the winners circle To be successful, an investor must be practical and objective, pragtic and disciplined, and, above all, independent and confident in his ysis and rket strategy One xim, which has consistently guided me during scores of trading campaigns, es from Jesse Livermore, perhaps the most successful lone rket operator during the first half of this century: “There is only one side of the rket, and it is not the bull side or bear side, but the right side”投资者要想进到大赢家队伍,光有冲动和一厢情愿的念头是毫无疑问不好的。要想取得成功,投资人务必具体并且客观性,实干并且守规矩,更关键的是,要单独,并对自身独特的剖析和市场营销策略信心百倍。在一次次的买卖中,自始至终引导我的一句名言即来自于杰西•利弗莫尔,他也许是21世纪头50年间最取得成功的单独投资者。他表明:“销售市场只有一个方位,并不是双头,也不是什么是空头,只是做对的方位。”I’ve spent my entire professional career as a practitioner in quest of speculative profits But I still consider myself both student and practitioner for, in reality, you never stop learning about rkets, price trends, and trading strategy After all these years, I’m still concerned with the quest for profits – no, for substantial profits – from the rkets Considering the tremendous financial risks involved, the emotional strain, and the feelings of loneliness, isolation, self-doubt, and, at times, sheer terror which are the futures operator’s almost constant panions, you shouldn’t be content with merely king “profits” Substantial profits must be your goal我一生以追求完美投机性盈利做为我的技术专业职业生涯。但我还是评定

    自身就是学员也是技术专业投资者,终究在实际里,你应该始终坚持科学研究销售市场、价格趋势和量化交易策略。亲身经历这么多年,我仍关注从销售市场上获得盈利——不,是获得爆利。但在考量极大的经营风险、焦虑不安、孤单、、顾虑、乃至莫名其妙的害怕,自然这基本上全是商品期货者的常常爱人,你没应当即为“盈利”为考虑,爆利务必变成你的总体目标。That is what this book is all about It’s about the strategy and the tactics of seeking substantial profits from the rkets It’s about getting aboard a significant trend near its inception and riding it to as near to its conclusion as hunly possible It is about king more on your winning trades and losing less on your losers It is about pyramiding your winning positions to ximize profits while keeping losses under control这就是这书所需谈的。这书內容涉及到从销售市场获得爆利的对策及其战略。这书要谈的是怎样在销售市场将要启动大市场行情之时进入车内,而且有意义的事地稳乘坐到市场行情完毕。这书內容也包含教你怎样在挣钱的买卖赚得大量,在亏损的买卖亏钱更少。这书也会对你说在挣钱的持仓中以金字塔式方法买入以追求完美较大 盈利并操纵好亏本。It is my belief, confirmed in the real world of tens of thousands of trades de by hundreds of traders, that viable money nagement strategy and tactics are as important to an overall profitable operation as a first-class trading system or technique相信,早已有几十个投资者根据不计其数次的买卖实战演练确定了,合理的资产管理模式和战略,与一流的交易软件或技术性一样关键。And, although I would ideally prefer to have both, my priority would be for the best in strategy and tactics You will do better, in my option, with first-class strategy and tactics and a mediocre trading system than the reverse A significant portion of this book will be concerned with elaborating on that premise because I consider first-class strategy and tactics as the linchpin of any successful trading campaign此外,针对上边常说的,尽管理想化上希望二者兼具,但我能优选一流的对策和战略,加上一般的交易软件。我觉得,假如应用一流的对策和战略,加上一般的交易软件,結果会比你应用一流的交易软件,加上一般的对策和战略好些。这书绝大多数內容会详细描述这一结果,由于我觉得一流的对策和战略是一切取得成功买卖的重要。One final word before you embark on this book Readers y write to me, in care of the publisher, about any aspects of this book they would like to discuss further I will respond to the best of my ability and time availability在阅读文章这书以前,也要提示一点。阅读者能够写信我,请出版转送,我愿进一步和阅读者探讨书里的一切难题。我能尽已能够并尽早回应。(张轶注:阿佩尔在1998年过世。)Stanley Kroll斯坦利•阿佩尔期货交易电子书txt:求二份免费电子书《期货市场技术》罗伯特艾利森和《日本蜡烛图技术》史提夫尼森,pdf格式的,带详细数据图表的

    我这里一直个人收藏的有艾利森版的《期货市场技术》,刻意发至百度云网盘panbaidu/s/毫克JtXby ;此外一本我寻找会放进共享。期货交易电子书txt:哪里有期货入门免费电子书


    在网上许多都是有,但是留意汉语翻译版本号和是不是原版。我原来免费电子书里边免费下载的有的时盗用,或是是一部分伪书。投资书籍的精确性很重要,期待小编多留意。期货交易电子书txt:求二份免费电子书《期货市场技术》罗伯特艾利森和《日本蜡烛图技术》史提夫尼森PDFTXT都可以51399[email protected]






    完全免费数据信息-复盘(Forex Tester) 外汇交易合同的数据信息能够这里免费下载,从二零零一年迄今的收评:期货交易跌涨各半 石油、菜粕、硫化橡胶跌逾1%


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